“What up dog?”


ICEBREAKER:  What is your favorite kind of bread? (Pumpernickel, Rye, Wheat, Cornbread, Dinner rolls, Doughnuts, Bagels, Tortillas, Pita Bread, Matzah Bread, Banana Nut Bread, Pumpkin Bread, Flatbread, Multi-grain, Oat Bread, Crackers, Italian Bread, …)


OUTLINE:  Results of Being a Bread Carrier Like David:

         Carrying Bread (Serving others)

1.    Creates Opportunity

2.    Establishes Reputation

3.    Reveals Character

4.    Inspires Others

5.    Breaks Barriers or the Status Quo

6.    Reaps Rewards

7.    Endures Persecution


TEXT:  1 Samuel 17, Matthew 16:5-12



1.    In Matthew 15, Jesus speaks of the children’s bread. The Children’s bread refers to healing, prosperity, deliverance, revelation and forgiveness. In order for you to truly prosper which prosperity principle do you need to work on?

a.    You must believe that God wants you to prosper. 3John 2:1

b.   You must give God what belongs to God.  Mal 3:10, 11

c.    You must WORK.  Eph 4:28, Proverbs 10:4, 5

d.   You must understand that God is your source. Psalm 24:1

e.    You must meditate on God’s Word and then obey it. Psalm 1

f.     You must properly steward what He has already given you. Luke 16

g.    You must be willing to help others in need. Pro 28:27

h.    You must ask God for wisdom. I Chron 22:12, 13

i.      You must discovery your gifts and look for a mentor.

2.    David was willing to serve his father by taking bread to his brothers on the battlefield. Describe a way that you serve or could serve others.


3.    Read Matthew 6:19-34.  As a group, name some of the things we are to take no thought or worry about in this passage.


4.    What is your definition of prosperity and how much is enough?


5.    David was from the Tribe of Judah, the same tribe as Caleb.  Caleb whose name meant “dog” fought and took possession of a mountain filled with giants. In Numbers 14, he said, “our God will make our enemies bread for us”. What does that mean to you? And why was David so confident he could slay the giant?


6.    David’s giant’s name was Goliath. What is the name of the biggest giant that you are facing right now?


7.    In Matthew 16, Jesus told the disciples to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the Sadducees and the disciples didn’t understand and thought Jesus was mad at them for forgetting to bring bread.  How do you feel when you don’t understand something? (Ashamed, Stupid, don’t Care, Curious, Afraid, Ignorant)