“Bread In The Master’s Hand”


ICEBREAKER:  What is your favorite kind of sandwich? (Peanut butter and jelly, Ham, Turkey, Salami, Rueben, Fish, Hamburger, Steak Grinder, Chicken Salad, Breaded Chicken Sandwich, BLT, Club, etc…)


OUTLINE:  Benefits of Being in the Master’s Hands

1.    The Limited becomes Unlimited

2.    Brokenness turns into Blessing

3.    Division produces Unity

4.    Leftovers are greater than what you started with

5.    Insignificant becomes significant

6.    What was Common becomes Uncommon

7.    Everybody leaves Satisfied

8.    Fragments have the flavor, DNA, integrity of the Whole Loaf


TEXT:  I Corinthians 10, John 6



1.    According to 1 Corinthian 10, what are some of the things that were recorded for our example and what does that mean to you?

2.    We are many members but one loaf of bread, what does that mean?

3.    Why was the crowd so pleased with Jesus and so offended the next minute?

4.    When Jesus looks to do a miracle he often looks for 3 things. A sower, seed and faith. The only one prepared for this was a little boy. Why do you think none of the men came prepared? What are you prepared to give Jesus?

5.    Revelation usually starts the unveiling of the most obvious question that provokes us to search for an answer. If Jesus were to ask you one question, what would it be?

6.    When the Hebrew people were in the wilderness God rained down bread called manna. In Hebrew manna literally means “what is it?” I believe it is possible to enjoy the benefits of “what is it?” without really fully comprehending what it is.  What is it that you think you most need or want right now?

7.    When Jesus saw the massive crowd coming toward him, his first thought was to feed them. What do you think you would have thought?

8.    According to 1 Corinthians 10, we are one bread. His bread given to enrich, encourage, and influence the world. What do you think the church or you in particular might taste like to the world? Sweet, Bitter, Burnt, Unusual, Hard to digest, plain but nourishing, etc…)