“The King’s Table”


ICEBREAKER: Tell us your favorite kind of dog and why.


TEXT:  2 Samuel 4:4, 9:1-13



1.    Mephibosheth was dropped when he was 5 years old and became lame the day the news of the deaths of his grandfather King Saul and his father, Jonathon arrived.  From that day forward name something that would have changed in his life.

2.    Can you remember an event in your life when things changed dramatically either for better or worse?

3.    When King David thought about his friend Jonathon, he wanted to bless someone in his family. When God thinks about Jesus, He looks for someone to bless. Name a way you would like for God to bless you.

4.    Mephibosheth was hiding a place called Lodebar meaning a place with no pasture or a place of barrenness. What area of your life would like to see turn from wilderness to fruitfulness.

5.    When Mephibosheth approached King David, he said “why would you look upon such a dead dog as I?”  What are some of the ways or some of the things we do to put ourselves down.

6.    David told Mephibosheth that from that time forward he would always eat bread at the King’s table. Spiritually for us what does that represent or mean?

7.    David also told him, he would sit at his table as a son. What are some of the privileges of being a son?

8.    In the story a man name Ziba remembered Mephibosheth and brought him to the King. Who we called to remember to help and bring to Christ?