“Only Draw God Conclusions!”


ICEBREAKER:  What is the best thing that you are able to draw in just a few minutes? Show us!



-       To cause to move after or toward one by applying continuous force.

-       To cause to move in a given direction or to a given position, as by leading

-       To move or pull so as to cover or uncover something: draw the curtains

-       To cause to flow forth

-       To take or pull out

-       To cause to come by attracting; attract

-       To take in (air, for example); inhale.

-       To require (a specified depth of water) for floating

-       To bring to a certain condition or action; lead

-       To bring about deliberately; provoke: draw enemy fire

-       To evoke as a response; elicit: a performance that drew jeers from the audience.

-       To earn; gain: deposits that draw interest at a rate of 5 percent.

-       To pull back the string of (a bow).

-       To shape or elongate (a wire, for example) by pulling through dies.

-       To inscribe (a line or lines) with a pencil or other marking implement

-       To formulate or devise from evidence or data at hand: draw a comparison.

-       The act of drawing

-       To take liquid out of a container or well; "She drew water from the barrel" sketch, design, outline, trace, portray, paint, depict, mark out, map out, delineate, do drawings Draw a rough design for a logo.

-       Move, go, come, drive, travel, roll, advance, cruise, proceed, drift, glide She had seen the taxi drawing away.

-       Pull, drag, haul, tow, tug He drew his chair nearer the fire.

-       Close, shut, pull together, pull shut or closed After drawing the curtains, she lit a candle.

-       Part, open, raise, pull back, pull open He drew the curtains and the sun poured in.

-       Take out, pull out, bring out, draw out, produce, withdraw He drew his dagger.

-       Inhale, breathe in, pull, inspire, suck, respire He paused, drawing a deep breath.

-       Extract, take, remove, pump, and drain


Hebrew word for the word “DRAW”:

Sha-ab: to draw out water or to take off the surface

Ruk: to draw a sword, to pour out or to make empty 


1) to draw (and lift out), drag along, lead along, drag or lead off, draw down

2) to draw (the bow)

3) to proceed, march

4) to draw out or give (a sound)

5) to draw out, prolong, continue

6) to trail (seed in sowing)

7) to cheer, draw, attract, gratify

8) (Niphal) to be drawn out


TEXT:  Genesis 24



  1. Who does Abraham, the servant, Isaac, and Rebecca represent or symbolize in the story?
  2. How would a father deal with a stranger today if he just came and said I want to take you daughter off to a foreign country to marry my boss’s son?
  3. When Rebecca offered to draw water for the servant of Abraham and his camels, this was like going the extra mile. Gives an example of something in your life that would be like going the extra mile.
  4. What did the stranger give to Rebecca and her family and what did it symbolize?
  5. What do you think God would like to give most to your family and your community?
  6. When Rebecca was watering the camels she didn’t know that they soon would belong to her and they would be the vehicle to carry her to her destiny. Identify a task in your life that is NOT enjoyable but could become the vehicle to get you to your destiny or assignment.
  7. If you were to take a “No More So You Can Know More” pledge what would it be? (No more whining so I can know more joy, No more excuses so I can know more success, No more distractions so I can know more victory, No more addictions so I can know more peace, No more masks so I can know more transparency, No more wasting so I can know more abundance, No more games so I can know more truth, etc.)
  8. In what ways is God drawing you out of your comfort zone this year?
  9. If God were to draw you out of the sheath like a sword for battle, what condition would you be in right now? (Sharpened from the mentors in my life, A little rusty from the conditions and people around me, A little dull from past battles, Red hot off the fire and ready for battle, etc…)