“Are You a Believing Believer?”


ICEBREAKER:  Tell us which appliance or piece of equipment that you own that has given you the most trouble believing it will work every time you need it to work? (Car, Washing Machine, Dishwasher, Garage Opener, Car, Watch, Computer, Printer, Cell Phone, Spouse, etc…)


DEFINITIONS: 4 Categories of People

1.    Unbelieving Unbelievers: Atheist who neither believe in the existence of God or His ways. They are ignorant of and disobedient to God’s ways

2.    Believing Unbelievers: Agnostic, believe in the possible existence of an impersonal God, and may be familiar with His ways through a watching the lives of believing believers. They sometimes are aware of God’s ways and obey them occasionally.

3.    Unbelieving Believers: Carnal Christians who believe in God and His ways. They often believe for others but not for themselves. They often live by the flesh and earthly wisdom or logic.  Often they operate in delayed obedience to God’s ways.

4.    Believing Believers: God fearing, God Believing, God Loving Disciples of Christ who just take God at His Word without hesitation. They receive constant “Rhema” instruction from God’s Spirit and His Word and obey God’s ways and commands immediately.


OUTLINE:  5 Believing Believer Principles

Believing Believers:

1.    See God in Everything (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18, Psalm 141:8)

2.    Hear God Everywhere (Psalm 139:8)

3.    Feel God Sometimes But Trust God Every time (Proverbs 3:4-6, Psalm 112:7)

4.    Praise God At All Times (Psalm 34:1)

5.    Love God Everywhere, In Everything, at All Times (Deut 6:5)



TEXT: Genesis 15:5,6; Psalm 78:22; John 3:16; Hebrews 11:6; Psalm 119:65-67; Isaiah 53:1; John 11,12:37-46; John 20:27-29




1.      Tell us one natural law that you know and believe but cannot explain why it works.

2.      Give one reason why you believe it would have been harder for Abraham to believe in God than for us today.

3.      Why does it seem so hard for us to take God at His Word and believe Him sometimes?

4.      What has been the hardest thing for you to believe God for?

A.   Financial Breakthroughs

B.   Physical Healings

C.   Faith to Forgive

D.   Faith to be Forgiven

E.    Direction and Wisdom

F.    Faith to Believe He Cares

G.  Faith to Believe His Ways are Best

H.   Faith to Take Risks When Necessary

I.      Faith to Overcome Temptation

J.    ________________________________

5.      According to Hebrews 11:5, “Without faith it is impossible to please God.”  Why do you think pleasing God is first rooted or based on our believing rather that our doing?

6.      Hebrews 11:5b says “… and that he (God) is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” If you could think outside the box and believe and ask God for something unusual what would it be?

7.      Of the four categories of people which are you and which do you want to be?