“Games People Play: REMIX”


ICEBREAKER:  What is your favorite table game?  (Monopoly, Life, Cards, etc…)


OUTLINE:  Relationship Games

1.    The Blame Game (Blaming Others)

2.    The Lame Game (Lame Excuses)

3.    The Name Game (Name Calling & Belittling)

4.    The Con Game (Deception, Lies & Half Truths)

5.    The Power Game (Power Plays & Control Conflicts)

6.    The Wounded Game (Hurt People Hurt People)

7.    The Quiet Game (Withdrawal & Giving the Silent Treatment)


                3 Rules of the Nazarite Vows (Samson)

1.    His Hair was never to be shaven: Representing Covering

2.    He was never to ingest any form of the fruit of the vine:  Representing all forms of Addiction

3.    He was never to touch death: Representing Dead works of the Flesh.


TEXT:  Judges 13-15, Numbers 6:1-5



1.    People often play games in relationships.  Looking at the seven types of games listed above that people sometimes play in their relationships, tell us which one bothers you the most and why?

2.    What is the most difficult thing about developing strong interpersonal relationships with the people in your life?

a.    Making time to spend together

b.   Learning to find healthy ways to disagree

c.    Trusting people to care as much as you care

d.   Allowing your self to become vulnerable

e.    ____________________________________________

3.    The worst type of negative game playing is when we play games with God. Name somebody in the Bible that used any of the relationship games listed above?

  4.    When Samson told Delilah the secret of his great strength four things happened to him.  (1) His hair was shaven, (2) He lost his strength,

(3)They seared out his eyes thus he lost his vision, & (4) He lost his freedom and became a slave and ultimately lost his life.

Identify some of the things in Samson’s life that led to his demise?

5.    Why so you think that Hebrews 11:32 still lists Samson as a man of faith?

6.    Samson probably did not finish his destiny the way God originally intended but he still accomplished his assignment by killing all the Philistine leadership.  How do you want to finish your life? In other words, how will you know if you have finished your assignment? What is your assignment?

7.    Samson failed to take advice from his parents.  What was the last advice you wish you would have taken?

8.    What needs to change in your life in order for you to have better relationships either with God or people?

a.    Pride

b.   Selfishness

c.    Self Pity

d.   Initiative

e.    Restraint

f.     _________________________________________