“The Keys of David”


ICEBREAKER: How many keys do you carry around daily and which are your most important keys? Explain why.


OUTLINE:  7 Things For Which David Was Granted Access

1.    Protection

2.    Provision

3.    Promises

4.    Prosperity

5.    Presence of God

6.    People: Princes & Protégés


        9 Key Principles In the Life of David

1. David gave his way out of a famine

2. David praised his way out of depression

3. David loved his way out of loneliness

4. David danced his way out of pride

5. David fought his way out of obscurity

6. David repented his way out of destruction

7. David forgave his way out of bitterness

8. David served his way into the hearts of his people

9. David worshiped his way into the heart of God


TEXT:  Isaiah 22:22, Matthew 16:13-19



1.    The keys of David are for binding and losing or shutting and closing. Where does the binding and loosing take place and in what order? What is the significance of the order?

2.    Identify one thing about David that made him such a remarkable Biblical character?

3.    David gave in the time of famine. He was often generous when he did not have to be. What are some ways you could be more generous?

4.    David praised his way out of depression by encouraging himself with past God given victories.  What are been the most depressing thing you have had to praise your way through lately?

5.    David loved his way out of loneliness by loving people that were distraught, in debt and discontented with life.  Ask God to show you to whom He has called you to show His love. Describe a situation that has been hard for you to show God’s love at times.

6.    In what area of your life do you need to access something from God by using the keys of the Kingdom?

7.    Peter got a revelation of who Jesus was and it changed everything.  What is required to receive a revelation from God?