

ICEBREAKER:  What is your most encouraging thing to eat when you are down?



1.    The Golden Rule Formula: Give encouragement if you want to receive it.

2.    The Blank Slate Formula: Keep no record of wrongs so you can give continual compliments.

3.    The Sign Language Formula: Your body language should reflect your message of encouragement

4.    The Mall Cop Formula: Like security at a mall you must feel secure before you can make other feel secure. You must first be secure in yourself in order to build other’s up

5.    The Empathy Formula:  Requires that you first empathize with others in order to encourage them.

6.    The Special Ops Formula:  A special ops team has specific specialized tasks. Encouragement should be specific and personalized.

7.    The Sunshine Formula:  Encouragement requires you to optimistic and not critical.


TEXT:  2 Chronicles 2-8; 1 Samuel 30



1.    What Story in the Bible do you consider most encouraging? Explain. 

2.    What season or month of the year are you most encouraged and what season or month is most difficult for you?

3.    The Bible says that Hezekiah encouraged the people and David encouraged himself in the Lord. David rehearsed the prophetic words that had been spoken over him. David remembered past battles he had won. David sang songs of praise and danced before the Lord.  David sometimes fasted and prayed.  David gave offerings to the Lord and helped others.  What do you do to encourage yourself?

4.    The word encouragement means to inspire courage.  What could you accomplish for God if you had an extra dose of courage?

5.    Which of the above encouragement formulas spoke most to you?

6.    Who is the most encouraging person in your life?