“Six Objectives of A Father”


ICEBREAKER:  If you were a plant, vegetable or tree what would you be most like? (I know its silly just do it)


OUTLINE:  6 Objectives of a Father

1.     Root out:  Pull up, Pluck up

2.     Pull down: Tear down, Break down or through

3.     Destroy: Permanently exterminate, Demolish

4.     Throw down: Overthrow, Take apart

5.     Build: Raise up

6.     Plant: To Fix, Ground  


TEXT:  Jeremiah 1:10



1. Give us three descriptive word to describe your relationship with your father growing up. What could have made it better?


2. Name a behavior that a father would need to uproot in a young child.


3. Fathers are called to pull down any thing that could become an idol in our lives. Identify some things that we have come to idolize in our society.


4. Fathers are held accountable by God to demolish attitudes in their children that would keep them from excelling. Name an attitude that you have struggled with that God has identified in your life.


5. Name a character trait that you have seen in your children or friends that you know you have contributed to. Something that you have seen and thought do I act like that.


6. If you had one character trait that was like God what it be?


7. If you could say one thing to your Dad what would you say?