“I Fought For You”


ICEBREAKER:  Tell us one time when somebody stood up for you or fought for you?



INTERCESSION: the act of interceding; warfare, wrestling, mediation, pleading, or prayer on/in behalf of another or others

Zebulun: The place of favor

Naphtali: To Wrestle


TEXT: Matthew 4:12-17



1.     On Memorial Day we reflect on those who have sacrificed on our behalf. John the Baptist prepared the way for the Messiah and Jesus the Messiah laid down his life for us.  Name one freedom we have in this country because someone fought for us?

2.     Jesus came to usher in a new order and a new belief system. The old system was based on the Law and the new was based on grace because Jesus the Lamb of God paid the price for us.  Identify one way that becoming a Christian has changed your way of thinking and behaving.

3.     Matthew 4:12 says that after John was imprisoned Jesus went into a new region. Sometimes we have to lock up the old way of thinking in order to enter into a new paradigm or way of thinking. Name one thing that needs to change in your life right now so you can access and enjoy what God wants to give you.

4.     Jesus went to the region of Zebulun and Naphtali after John was imprisoned. Zebulun means the place of favor while Naphtali means to wrestle. Have you ever felt like God wanted to give you something but you knew you would really have to wrestle or work for it? Explain.

5.     John the Baptist interceded for Jesus and prepared the way for His ministry and it cost him his life. What are you willing to give for the cause of Christ and what has it cost you so far?

6.     An intercessor is someone who sees prophetically the potential in someone and pays and prays the price for them to become the best they can be. Name one person in your life that has sown into you or sacrificed for you to become great at what you do.

7.     Who has God called you to pray for and to whom has He called you to be an example?

8.     If you could do something for a family that has lost a son or a daughter on a battlefield for your freedom what would you do?