

ICEBREAKER:  How much mulch does it take to do the church landscaping or to do your yard?



1.    Mandate: A command or an authorization given by a political electorate to its representatives. An official authoritative instruction or requirement

2.    Message: An idea, meaning or value that is transmitted by writing, speech, behavior or signal

3.    Mission: A specific task, calling, or vocation for which an individual or group is charged

4.    Method: A systematic and orderly way of doing things. A means, manner or procedure.

5.    Mantle: A cloak of authority, a garment regarded as a symbol of one’s power or authority. To become covered with a coating.

6.    Convergence:  is the place where your gifts, talents and skills meet your personal prophetic destiny having dealt with and put behind you all your personal constraints,

7.    Constraints: any conscious or subconscious behavior that is checking or aborting the application of the call, gifts, skill and talents that God has given you.


OUTLINE:  5 High Value Priorities and Defined

1.    Presence: That’s the Mandate of Every Believer

2.    Preeminence: That’s the Message of Every Believer

3.    People: That’s the Mission of Every Believer

4.    Prayer: That’s the Method of Every Believer

5.    Power: That’s the Mantle of Every Believer


            5 Laws of Constraint

1. Everybody has Constraints

2. An Organization can never rise above the Constraints of its leader.

3. A leader that is unwilling to confront his constraints is unfit to lead

4. Constraints are role specific meaning a strength in one setting could be a weakness in another setting.

5. The Individual or team with the least constraints will win


TEXT: Luke 24:46-49  , Acts 1:8, 2:1-4



1.    Why do you think it took so long for the Holy Spirit to show up in Jerusalem after Jesus ascension?

a.    It was just God’s plan

b.   It took that long for the believers to get in perfect unity

c.    They were just more dedicated than we are today

d.   They went into hibernation and just happen to be awakened by all the noise.

e.    __________________________________________

2.    Why do you think the Holy Spirit the house before He filled all the individuals and what attitudes in the atmosphere needed to change?

3.    Why do you think opened their ears to hear the sound of the wind before He opened their eyes to see the fire?

4.    Why is being in God’s presence the first priority of the believer?

5.    The most important message is that of Christ and the cross.  What do we mean when we say you must become the message before you can carry the message? What does He want you to change first?

6.    This past Sunday was both Pentecost and Global Day of Prayer. Besides salvation, and Holy Spirit baptism of the lost what is your prayer for the nations and if you had to pick a nation to pray for which would you pick and why?

7.    What would you say is the biggest general constraint that is keeping you from convergence?