“Relationally Enriched”


ICEBREAKER:  What is your favorite tool? (Hammer, Screwdriver, Tape Measure, Saw, Wrench, Drill, Vice, Pliers, Sander, etc…)


OUTLINE:  7 Questions That Could Save Your Life (These are tools to assess your relationships.)


1.    Does this relationship interfere with, obstruct or compromise my relationship with God in any way? If it does, confront it and change it and ask God to change you.

HAMMER: Breaking down the obstructions and the obstacles


2.    Does this relationship challenge me to become a better person?

DRILL: Drilling holes in all the arguments of negativity, hurt & shame


3.    Does this relationship help me accomplish my God-given assignments, objectives, or purposes?

TAPE MEASURE: Measuring whether I’m meeting my plans and goals


4.    Does this relationship break covenant with another relationship or belittle or bring unnecessary pain to others?

SAW: Cutting through the excuses, and the rationalization


5.    Does this relationship give me the opportunity to bless someone else through mentoring, assisting, or serving others?

Pliers: Grabbing hold of the opportunities to serve


6.    Does this relationship build up or tear down? (Does this relationship teach, motivate, inspire, encourage, or edify? Does this relationship drain, deplete, depress, diminish, or distract me?)

PROTECTIVE EYE GLASSES: Seeing through the manipulation, self pity, and control to see things as they really are


7.    Is this relationship a part of God’s master plan to shape, mold, purify, sand, polish, sharpen, accelerate, qualify, humble, or perfect me?

         SANDER: Sanding off the rough edges & polishing the finished product


TEXT:  Ephesians 5:22-33; 6:1-9



1.    Name one of the different types of relationships?

2.    The Bible says a man is to lay down his life for his wife. Give an example of what this means.

3.    The Bible says a wife is to respect and submit or give herself to her husband. Identify some of the ways this can be done.

4.    In what ways can a relationship compromise our relationship with God?

5.    The Bible encourages children to obey and honor their parents.  How is disrespect being shown by kids toward their parents in this generation?

6.    What are some of the reasons that virtual computer and game system relationships can be dangerous?

7.    Right relationships hold us accountable and give us support and affirmation. Why do so many people fear intimacy (I’m not referring to sexual intimacy in this context) and openness in relationships?