“Take Your Vitamin Be’s!”


ICEBREAKER: What is your favorite way to exercise and how often do you exercise?


OUTLINE:  8 Spiritual Vitamin B’s

Vitamin Be 1: Be Holy; 1 Peter 1:15, 16; 1 Peter 2:9

Vitamin Be 2: Be Generous; 1 Timothy 6:18(NIV) Proverbs 11:25

Vitamin Be 3: Be Obedient; Isaiah 1:19; Ephesians 6:5

Vitamin Be 4: Be Content; Philippians 4:11

Vitamin Be 5: Be Still; Psalm 4:4; Psalm 46:10

Vitamin Be 6: Be Prepared; 1 Peter 3:15(NIV);

Vitamin Be 7: Be Wise; Proverbs 8:33; Proverbs 23:19;

Vitamin Be 8: Be Strong; Joshua 1: 6,7,9,18; 1 Kings 2:2; 2 Tim 2:1

The B vitamins may be necessary in order to:

TEXT:  Isaiah 35:5-7, Ephesians 6:10-18



1.    Which spiritual vitamin B do you need most right now?

2.    In what way do you need to be more generous? (With money, with your time, with your forgiveness, with your compliments, with your talents, etc…)

3.    As God’s people we are charged to: obey every day, in every way, without delay, until it feels okay, after we pray, and no matter what others say. What are some of the reasons that we disobey?

4.    In what area of your life are you the least content?

5.    Why is it so hard to be still and trust God?

6.    To be prepared means to know what you need to know, to have what you need to have and to be in position to do what you need to do.  What do you think God is preparing for you and what is God preparing you for?

7.    The Bible tells us to be wise. In 1 kings 2:1-4 David instructed his son Solomon to be wise and he told him how to do it. What did he tell him? What is one of the greatest pearls of wisdom that you could give to the next generation?

8.    We are admonished to be strong in the Bible. Why do you need to be strong? There are at least 6 different types of physical strength: endurance, power, coordination, balance, flexibility, speed. There is also economic strength, strength of character, and emotional strength, spiritual strength, etc… In what way do you need to be strength?