"Obey Without Delay"



ICEBREAKER: Tell us when was the last time you had a good belly laugh and why.


TEXT: Isaiah 1:19, 20; Jonah 1:1-5



1.     God expects us to be both willing and obedient. What is the difference?

2.     Like Jonah, if God were to send you to confront someone, some city/nationality or some group who would be the most difficult for you to approach?

A.    Family

B.    Co-workers

C.    Neighbors

D.    Close Friends

E.     Boss, Teacher, Mayor

F.     The City of Las Vegas

G.   An Enemy

H.    ____________      

3.     Tell us an unusual way God has used to speak to you.

A.    Through a movie

B.    Through a song

C.    Through an animal

D.    Through a small child

E.     Through a sunset or rainbow

F.     ____________

4.     God prepared a great wind storm to oppose Jonah's rebellion. Name an event or crises in your life or others that God used to stop us from running from Him?

5.     God prepared a great fish to take Jonah back toward His assignment. I'm sure Jonah thought the fish was sent to destroy him when it actually was sent to deliver him. Can you think of a time when God may have allowed something or someone to take you toward your destiny?

6.     God prepared a tiny worm to get Jonah's attention when Jonah was depressed and pouting. When was the last time God had to pull you out of a good pout or fit?

7.     If you believe what is wrong, you will begin to doubt what is right. Which of the following wrong thought patterns has the enemy tried to tempt you to believe?

A.    I don't really matter

B.    If God allowed something bad, does He really care at all

C.    I can obey God later, I'm too busy right now

D.    My situation is different so the scripture doesn't apply to me

E.     I've messed up so bad not even God can or will fix this mess

F.     Things will never change, this is the best it gets

G.   Nobody else cares why should I