“The Preeminence of Christ”


ICEBREAKER:  If you were “King for a Day”, what would be the first thing you would do/change?


TEXT:  Colossians 1:13-20; Joshua 24:14; 1 Peter 2:6



1.   Name one way that Satan and his negativity gains access in the life of the believer?

2.   God told the Hebrew people not to serve the idols (gods) of Egypt representing their past or the idols (gods) of the Amorites in the Promised Land representing their present and future.  Name some of the idols that we serve in the USA.

3.   One of the ways idols are established in our lives is through false teaching.  For example our speaker on Sunday said that his wife’s dad told her while she was growing up you can never trust anybody but your family which kept her from opening to anyone.  What are some things we have learned from our family, society or even church that may have established an idol in our lives?

4.   Another way we open the door to an idol is through a wound that we internalize and then make an inner vow.  For example a child may have been hurt by a coach and then vows to never play that sport again.  Can you think of an inner vow you or someone you know may have made because of deep inner pain?  Often it will start with the words “I will never…”

5.   Sometimes we give way to an idol in our lives through good intentions. This can happen when God provides something or someone in our lives and under the guise of just trying to take good care of them we place them before God? Name something in our lives that could become an idol.

a.    Our Dreams

b.   Our Family

c.    Our Resources

d.   Our Talents

6.    If Jesus we allowed to be King in the USA what do you think He would change first?

7.    1 Peter 2:6 declares that Jesus is our chief cornerstone; elect and precious.  Elect” meaning choice, select, and the best of its kind or class, excellence, preeminent. “Precious” meaning dear or more honorable, to be prized, to fix a value to.  What one thing in your life right now could you do or change that would most recognize the value of having Jesus as your King?