“Blow a Trumpet in Zion”


ICEBREAKER: What are your favorite instrument and least favorite instrument?



Principles of Sound

1.    The sound must be clean

2.    The sound must be clear

3.    The sound must be consistent


3 Generations

1.    First Generation: Know God & Know God’s Ways

2.    Second Generation: Don’t Know God But Know Some of His Ways

3.    Third Generation: Don’t Know God or His Ways


TEXT: Joel 2:1-3, Judges 6



1.    The trumpet has three inner valves that will not work if there are spots, blemishes or nicks on them, representing the three inner components of our soul: Mind, Will & Emotions. In which of the three do you have the most trouble and why?

2.    The mouth piece of the trumpet often has to be boiled in hot water to kill any bacteria that may be growing on it.  Name some of the spiritual bacteria that could grow in your mouth piece.  Which do you have the most trouble with?

a.    Harsh words

b.   Unclean words

c.    Curse words

d.   Negative words

e.    Fearful words

f.     Compromising words

g.    Thoughtless words

h.    _______________________

3.    The inner workings of the trumpet must be cleaned with oil in        order for the trumpet to continue functioning properly.  In what area of your life right now could you use a good dose of Holy Spirit oil?

a.    Your ability to love unconditionally like God loves

b.   Your desire to be more generous

c.    Your stamina to keep up with the demands of life

d.   Your willingness to let go of the past

e.    Your zeal to be more vocal about God in public

f.     ____________________________

4.    Even a beaten, old and tarnished trumpet can make beautiful music in the hands of a skilled musician? What keeps us from allowing God to use us as His instruments?

5.    What are some of the reasons why the “sounds” of church in general do not appeal to some people who don’t go to church?

a.    Not contemporary

b.   Not relevant

c.    Not interested

d.   Not marketed

e.    Not _________________________

6.    If someone were to follow you around and take notes on your behavior, habits and lifestyle in what area do you need to be more consistent?

a.    Procrastination

b.   Self Esteem

c.    Selfishness

d.   Compromise

e.    Bitterness

f.     Fearful

g.    Temper

h.    _____________________________

7.    Joel 2 says that we are to blow a trumpet in Zion and sound an alarm.  What are some of the issues that people in the secular world would like for people of faith to remain silent about?