“The 1st Seven Sayings after the Rez


ICEBREAKER:  What was your favorite thing about Easter growing up?


OUTLINE:  Seven Sayings of the Risen Savior

1.    Why are you weeping and whom do you seek?

2.    Mary

3.    Go tell your brethren

4.    Peace be unto you

5.    Receive ye the Holy Ghost

6.    Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust [it] into my side:

7.    Blessed [are] they that have not seen, and [yet] have believed.


TEXT:  Isaiah 53:1-5, John 20, Isaiah 43:1



1.    What is the one thing that has most caused you to weep in your life?  What is the one thing that you have most sought after?  What are seeking the Lord for right now?

a.    Affirmation

b.   Promotion

c.    Wisdom

d.   Friendship

e.    Direction

f.     Favor

g.    Financial Increase

h.    Security

i.      Joy

j.     Peace

k.    _______________________

2.    If Jesus would have added an adjective to Mary’s name at that time she would have been called “Weeping Mary.”  If Jesus were to add an adjective to your name right now what would He call you?

a.    Bitter

b.   Confused

c.    Singing

d.   Busy

e.    _______________ Your Name

3.    Jesus gave Mary an assignment to tell others about Him.  What assignment has the Lord give you lately?  And who in your life has been the hardest for you to talk to about the Lord?  Why?

4.    The Risen Christ told His disciples to be at peace.  His peace means nothing missing and nothing broken.  What are the biggest areas of brokenness and loss in families that you know right now?

5.    The Holy Spirit represents the Power of God in your our lives.  In what area of your life right now would you say you most need His power?

a.    Power to witness

b.   Power to overcome temptation

c.    Power to stand in the face of trials

d.   Power to love people that are hard to love

e.    Power to laugh through the pain

f.     _________________________________

6.    Jesus told Thomas, “touch my hands and my side”, what touches you the most about the crucifixion story?

7.    Jesus called those who believe, yet have not seen or touched His nail scarred hands and side, blessed.  What is the greatest blessing of God in your life right now?