“The Dining Room”


ICEBREAKER:  What was your favorite meal growing up?


OUTLINE:  5 Be’s of Listening

1.   Be Aware of my own communication style

2.   Be Receptive, attentive and flexible

3.   Be Wise Stop shouting, nagging, pouting. Timing is everything

4.   Be Expressive Physical gestures, intonation of words and facial expression speak volumes

5.   Be Courageous You will make mistakes but take risks anyway.


                5 Commandments of Communication

1.   If I expose my weaknesses don’t shame me. Pro 10:32

2.   If I ask for the truth, don’t lie to me. Pro 27:6

3.   If I share my opinion, don’t intimidate me. Pro 21:19

4.   If I fail to say it correctly, don’t manipulate me with tears.

5.   If I don’t agree with you don’t give me the silent treatment.


TEXT:  Psalm 18:4, 6-8, 13, 19-21



1.    What are family meal times like at your home?

a.    The Cosby’s just normal family time

b.   The Romano’s complete with grandparents & uncles & aunts.

c.    The Bunker’s always lots of tension

d.   The Lopez’s always a fiesta

e.    The Bundy’s everybody does their own thing

f.     __________________________________________


2.    Sometimes if things are left to simmer too long on the stove they can boil over.  What issue would you say is about to boil over in your heart right now?

a.    People that just always complain

b.   People that won’t take responsibility for their own choices

c.    People that feel the need to gossip and talk about others

d.   People that hold others to a higher standard than themselves and their family

e.    People that act like they are better than others

f.     People that just right lie and even begin to believe their lies

g.    __________________________________________


    3.  Name one difference between men and women.


4.     Why do you think studies show that kids that eat together with their family reduces obesity, eating disorders, raises grades, lessons drug abuse, brings emotional stability, and increases their vocabulary more that just reading to the kids?


5.    If you where to expose one weakness without fear of shame what would it be?


6.    Often anger is a cover for hurt, hurt is a cover for disappointment from unresolved expectations and unresolved expectations are a cover for unmet needs. Have you noticed a higher level of tension and anger lately in people?  What do you think is the greatest need in peoples’ lives today, besides accepting Jesus as their Savior?

a.    Greater Income

b.   More Affirmation

c.    A Sense of Self-Worth

d.   More Free Time

e.    Understanding Who You Are

f.     _____________________________________