“The Basement”


ICEBREAKER:  What is the most unusual or unique thing in your basement?


OUTLINE:  From Basement Mentalities to Rooftop Vision

1.    Change your Influences

2.    Change your thoughts

3.    Change your words

4.    Change your choices

5.    Change your actions

6.    Change your habits

7.    Change your character


TEXT: Isaiah 28:16, Isaiah 58:12



1.    I found baby stuff in my basement like toys and cribs. When was the last time you acted like a baby?


2.    I found old clothes that don't fit anymore. Identify one attitude that doesn't fit anymore because you have grown. Explain

A.   Selfishness

B.   Greed

C.   Anger

D.   Worry

E.    __________


3.    I found exercise equipment that I don't use representing unfulfilled goals (Pastor Dana's 6 Pack Abs). Name one goal you have not accomplished yet.


4.    I found some old collections. (Coins, Stamps, Rocks) what are some beliefs about ourselves that we have collected?

A.   I will never be good enough

B.   Something bad is going to happen its been too good lately

C.   I can't trust anyone

D.   If you don't take of you nobody else will

E.    _____________


5.    I found obsolete things like tape players and old phones that don't work. Name a behavior that doesn't work.

A.   The Silent Treatment

B.   The Blame Game

C.   Throwing Fits

D.   _____________


6.    What are some things people hide in their basement?


7.    Snake, Mice, and Spiders crawl in through the cracks in the foundation into the basement representing fear. What is your greatest fear?