“The Wealthy Place”


ICEBREAKER:  If you were unexpectedly given $100 million, how would your life change?


TEXT:  John 2:1-8, Psalm 66:10-12



1.     At the wedding of Cana, Jesus performed His first miracle.  Why do you think this was the place, the setting and the timing of His first miracle?

2.     Jesus performed the miracle but the servants acted in obedience and faith.  In order for God to move He usually requires someone to provide the faith.  What’s the last thing you felt led of the Lord to do that required a whole lot of faith or risk?

3.     When God brought the Hebrew people out of Egypt and into Canaan (The Promised Land) God called it the wealthy place. In the New Testament this is not a place but a lifestyle.  What are some poverty mentalities of God’s people?

4.     One of the reasons we do not enter the wealthy place or mentality is because of a lack of direction or leadership.  Many times it’s not that we do not have leaders, many times we just do not follow their best advice.  What is the best advice you ever received but did not follow at first?

5.     In what area of your life do you most lack vision or motivation?

6.     Another reason that we never enter the wealthy place is because of a lack of order. In the Hebrew the word for beauty speaks of symmetry. In other words, everything is in its place. In what area of your life do you need more order or you could say less disorder or distraction?

7.     Often we ask God for more money or things that money can buy.  What we really need is strategy to grow the money He gives us.  If God were to place a lot of money in your hands what would be your strategy to cause it to grow?