“God’s System Versus The World’s system”


ICEBREAKER: What is your favorite sport and why?


TEXT: Genesis 14:14-20, Galatians 3:13-14



1.    Name one thing that the world, teaches or does, that goes against God’s Word?  Pick at least one and tell us if the enemy ever tried one of these on you.

a.    If it feels good, do it

b.   There is no God

c.    The universe is just a result of random chance

d.   You have all the time in the world, wait until later to serve God

e.    When you die that’s it, there is nothing more

f.     God doesn’t care about me

g.    It doesn’t matter who you step on just get to the top

h.    ____________________________________________

2.    In Genesis 14:18-20, God’s says that He is going to bless Abram (Before his name was changed by God). Right now what would be the greatest blessing, besides salvation, that God could give you?

a.    Reliable Transportation

b.   Job Security

c.    Health Insurance

d.   A Better Home

e.    Freedom From Fear and any type of bondage

f.     A spouse, children and more friends

g.    ___________________________________________   

3.    In Genesis 14:20, God blessed Abram and delivered his enemies into his hands.  What is your greatest enemy besides the devil himself?

a.    Your Boss

b.   Your Family

c.    Your Self

d.   Pride

e.    Insecurity

f.     Worry

g.    Hamas (terrorists)

h.    Procrastination

i.      _____________________________________________

4.    After God blessed Abram his natural response was to give God a tithe.  What keeps us from giving like we should?

5.    There were 3 different systems or mindsets that Abram had to deal with: The Babylonian, The Egyptian, and the Sodomic.

What was the difference in how the enemy functioned in each of these systems?

6.    When the enemy plunders and takes Abrams family what does Abram do and who does he take with him? Have you ever felt like the enemy tried to plunder your life or steal your blessing? Explain

7.    Abram trains his household for battle and life.  What are some of the greatest things your parents or guardians taught you?  And what are some of the greatest things you could teach your children or others in your life?

8.    If you found out that you only had 24 hours to live how would you spend it and what would have changed from what you would have been doing before you found out how much time you had?