“7 Principles of Sonship!”


ICEBREAKER:  What’s your favorite thing about Thanksgiving?


OUTLINE:  7 Principles of Sonship

1.    Sons carry the Father’s name. John 16:23

2.    Sons fulfill the Father’s vision. Matt 1:22

3.    Sons bear the Father’s image. Romans 8:29; I Cor 15:49

4.    Sons share the Father’s inheritance. Col 1:12

5.    Sons know the Father’s love. 1 John 3:1

6.    Sons produce the Father’s fruit. John 15:8,16

7.    Sons follow the Father’s Spirit. John 14:26; Romans 8:12-17


TEXT: Luke 15:11-32 (The story of the prodigal son)



1.    Why do you think the prodigal left home?

a.    He felt rejected by his father

b.   He felt like he always lived in his brother’s shadow

c.    He was an ungrateful spoiled brat

d.   He did not want to live under the rules, values and boundaries of his father’s household

e.    He thought he knew more than his father

f.     He had influences outside his father’s house

g.    He just wanted to prove he could make it alone

h.    __________________________________________

2.    In what ways do we ask God the Father for our inheritance before we are ready?  (promotions, opportunities, money…)

3.    The prodigal son was clearly a waster and at best a mismanager. Name something that God has given you that you may have wasted or mismanaged at times.

a.    Money

b.   Time

c.    Talents and abilities

d.   Other resources

e.    _______________________________________

4.    Name one of God’s names or titles that is most precious to you.

5.    Identify one of God’s dreams or visions for the world, the church and you as an individual.

6.    In what ways are sons and daughters of God suppose to look like our heavenly father?

7.    How do sons and daughters behave differently that really know the Heavenly Father’s love?

8.    Sons of God bear the fruit of the Spirit.  Which one is God working on producing in your life right now? {Love, Joy, Peace, Longsuffering (Patience), Gentleness (Peaceful), Goodness (Kindness), Meekness (Teachable), Temperance (Self-controlled), Faithfulness}

9.    True sons and daughters of God follow the leading of the Holy Spirit. Share something you feel the Lord is leading you to do or do better in your life right now.