“Resolution To Revolution”



ICEBREAKER:  What are you most looking forward to in 2009?



TEXT: Deut 12:1-7, 33:28,29, 1 Kings 3:2,3, 2 Kings 12:1-3,

2 Kings 14:1-4, 2 Kings 15:1-4, 2 Kings 16:1-4,2 Kings 18:1-4,

2 Kings 22:1,2



1.    Identify a resolution that you need to make that will put you in a place where you have to be held accountable for it to accomplish it.

2.    The Bible says that there is place where his people will bring their offerings and worship and God will put His name there.  God’s names manifest His power to release what His name means. Which name or title of God do you need to manifest in your life most right now?

a.    Jehovah Jireh my provider

b.   Jehovah Rapha my healer

c.    Jehovah Shalom my peace

d.   Rabbi My Teacher

e.    ___________________________________

3.    Can you name a high place in your life that you have created or allowed to be built?

4.    What is one belief or idea the enemy has tried to get you or people in your generation to accept that contradicts the Bible but peer pressure or life experiences have pushed you in the direction of tolerating, accepting or even celebrating?

5.    What keeps us from completely removing the high places once and for all?

a.    Fear

b.   Peer Pressure

c.    Laziness

d.   Confusion

e.    ____________________________________

6.    Are you aware of any generational strongholds that have been in your family that have ended or need to end with you?

a.    Tardiness

b.   Addictions

c.    Temper problems

d.   Depression

e.    Fear

f.     _____________________________________

7.    What was the difference between David, Solomon, Jotham, & Hezekiah and which of them are you most like?

a.    Solomon started out strong but later backslid

b.   David sinned but never turned to false gods

c.    Jotham loved the Lord but never did pull down the high places

d.   Hezekiah loved the lord, did what was right in the sight of the Lord and pulled down the high places.