“The High Pace”


ICEBREAKER:  Fill in the blank: When I dance I look like___________


OUTLINE:  Ways God Speaks:

Audibly, the Bible, Angels, through Creation, Gifts of the Spirit, through humans like preachers, teachers, parents, doctors, attorneys; songs, visions & dreams, prayer, sings & wonders, Israel, spheres of influence, etc…


5 Ways God Releases Prosperity

1.    The Spirit of Prosperity

2.    The Anointing of Prosperity

3.    The Gift of Prosperity

4.    The Blessing of Prosperity

5.    The Harvest of Prosperity


TEXT: 2 Samuel 22:34, Psalm133:3, Proverbs 10:22, Deut 28:2,3



1.    What, not who, would you say is the biggest drainer or disappointment in your life?

2.    If you could slow one thing down in your life right now what would it be?

3.    When God speaks to you in what way does he usually speak to you and give us one example.

4.    Why is tithing so hard for so many of us?

5.    How would you define prosperity and on a scale of 1-10 how prosperous are you right now?

6.    What has been the toughest uphill battle in your life so far?

7.    If you could touch anything and release God’s prosperity (His wealth, wholeness, greatness, etc…) what would it be and why?