“Be Obedient”



ICEBREAKER: What was/is the hardest punishment or discipline you, your siblings or friends received while you were growing up?

(No TV, no Phone, no texting,  no video games, no friends over, grounded, no use of the car, time out, swats on the rear, more chores, no desert, etc...)


OUTLINE: 5 Rhyming Life-Building Principles of Obedience

1.    Obey every day: This builds consistency.

2.    Obey without delay: This builds character.

3.    Obey until it feels okay: This builds contentment.

4.    Obey after you pray: This builds confidence

5.    Obey no matter what others say: This builds conviction


TEXT: Hebrews 13:17, Isaiah 1:19, Ephesians 2:1-22



1.    Obeying God will always cost you something but disobedience will always cost you more. Name someone who was disobedient to God in the Bible and what were his/her consequences.


2.    Obedience produces the atmosphere of faith while fear is often the result of rebellion. Identify someone in the Bible who stepped out in faith and obeyed God and tell us the reward of their faithfulness.


3.    Tell us about a time in your life when it was hard to obey and do the right thing but later you were so glad you did.


4.    What are some of the lame creative reasons people give for disobeying God's Word?


5.    Obedience is often the master-key to blessing & favor according to Isaiah 1:19, while disobedience is the locked deadbolt on the doorway to destiny. What was one of the last things you felt like God asked you to do, that took unrivaled obedience as you stood at the threshold of destiny?


6.    How does it make you feel when people you supervise question your judgment and refuse to obey?  How do you think God feels when we disobey? (Hurt, sad, surprised, Disappointed, Furious, Disrespected, Frustrated...)

7.    What are some of the names in Ephesians chapter 2 (KJV) that the Bible calls those who do not obey God and what spirit works in them (Ephesians 2:2)? What are some titles that it calls those who obey?


8.    When John the Baptist obeyed Jesus and baptized Him, John's spiritual eyes were opened and he saw the spirit like a dove descending on Jesus. On the other hand, Sampson lost his vision because of his disobedience. How is your spiritual vision right now?

a.    20/20 vision: I can see for miles

b.   A little near-sighted: My future is a little unclear

c.    Cataract: Somebody turn on the lights I can't see a thing

d.   _______________