“Have You Got The Beat?”


ICEBREAKER:  Do you play an instrument or did you ever take lessons to learn an instrument(s)?  What was it?  What was the hardest part about it?


OUTLINE:  The Truth About Stretching (Drums)

1.    It takes a key to produce the stretching

2.    I must submit to God’s stretching process

3.    Stretching often takes place on all sides

4.    Stretching produces growing

5.    Stretching does not last forever


TEXT:  Psalm 150:5, 1 Samuel 1:1-20



1.    How is God stretching you right now and what do you think is His purpose for the stretching?

a.    I am being stretched to trust God with my finances

b.   I am being stretched to better steward my time & resources

c.    I am being stretched by God to try not to be offended or negative

d.   I am being stretched by God to release things or people to Him that I cannot fix or change

e.    I am being stretched by God to be still when I feel like running or rushing around

f.     I am being stretched ______________________________

2.    How do we usually feel when we go through the stretching process?

a.    Disoriented

b.   Disillusioned

c.    Disgusted

d.   Deprived

e.    Destroyed

f.     Forgotten

g.    _______________________________________________

3.    Hannah seemed to feel like no area of her life mattered unless or until she could conceive.  What is the one area of your life that you would like to have more success in right now?

4.    God often will stretch us in multiple areas of our lives all at once to bring us in tune so we can be a blessing to others. Who do you think will be blessed once you come through your stretching season?

5.    Once Hannah got her word from the priest her whole countenance changed even though her miracle had not manifested yet.  What had changed?

6.    What part of Hannah’s prayer to God do you think touched the heart of God?