“From Zero To Hero”

Part 4 - Commitment


ICEBREAKER:  What is your favorite athletic team and how long have you been committed to them?  You could insert your favorite car, make-up, or anything else you might be committed to.

DEFINITIONS:  To Commit: (Hebrew) Galal meaning to roll, to roll off, to roll away.

Commitment:  A pledge or promise to do something dedication to a long-term course of action; engagement; involvement

OUTLINE:  Make the Trade that Jesus Made

He traded:

1.    Temporary separation for eternal celebration

2.    Temporary pain for eternal gain

3.    Temporary ridicule for eternal reward

4.    Temporary shadows for eternal “Sonshine

5.    Temporary sadness for eternal gladness

6.    Temporary irritation for eternal revelation

7.    Temporary demotion for eternal promotion

8.    Temporary death for eternal delight

TEXT: 2 Corinthians 4:7-12, 2 Corinthians 11:24-28


1.   What is the hardest thing about making a commitment?

2.   Name someone in the Bible that had to stay committed for a long time before He/she received their promise and guess how long they waited.

3.   The Apostle Paul went through a lot of adversity for his faith.  What is the hardest thing you have been through for your faith?

4.   How do you retread the spiritual tires of your soul when you are worn out?

5.   In what ways have we as a country failed to keep our commitments to the Lord?

6.   What does it mean to die to self and what area of your life has God asked you to give Him lately?