“Stay Connected”


ICEBREAKER: What is your favorite clean joke?  This is my favorite:

A man was interviewing some guys for a job, so he asked them a question and the one with the best answer would get the position.  He asked all four guys the same question. The question was; what is the fastest thing in the universe?  The first guy answered “a thought.”  He thought, what a great answer.  The second guy said “the blink of an eye.” He thought that’s an even better answer. The third guy said “Light, it travels at 186,000 miles per second. He thought, that is the best answer. He didn’t think there could be a better answer but he let the fourth guy try anyway.  The fourth guy said “Diarrhea!” the boss asked how he could say such a thing. The fourth guy said, “Last night before I could think, blink, or flip on the light I had a problem!”


TEXT:  Matthew 14:22-32



1.      How do you think you would react if Jesus suddenly appeared before you in all of his radiant glory?

a.    Excited

b.   Surprised

c.    Nervous

d.   Calm

e.    ________________________________

2.      When Jesus came walking on the stormy sea looking like a ghost Peter said, “If it is you Lord, bid me to come.”  Jesus said, “Okay, come.”  What do you think the rest of the disciples were thinking about Peter right then?

a.    What a goof!  Are you crazy?

b.   There he goes again

c.    Man is he brave

d.   Sometimes I wish he would just shut up

e.    This has got to be a joke

f.     ________________________________

3.      In a similar story Jesus was asleep on a boat in a storm and the fearful disciples woke him up.  Jesus rebuked the storm and spoke to the sea. In other words he cursed the invisible forces and spoke to the visible forces.  The sea was supposed to be a blessing to the disciples as their form of transportation.  We often curse what God wants to use to bless us.  Give us an example of something you have spoken negatively about that was supposed to bless you. (Your job, your country, state, or city, your relationships or family, your car, your looks…)

4.      Peter was right in front of Jesus when he began to sink?  What do you think he was thinking just before he started to sink?

5.      If Peter could have just kept his focus on Jesus he would not have failed.  Focused people make commitments not excuses.  What are some of the biggest excuses people make for not serving God like they should?

6.      Focused people focus on their strengths not their weaknesses.  What would you say is your greatest strength?

7.      Focused people keep their eyes on the answer not the problems.  What helps you to stay focused when the hurricanes of life completely consume the news on every channel.

a.    Going to church

b.   Reading God’s Word

c.    Hanging out with Christian friends

d.   Going for a walk in the woods

e.    Listening to some inspiring music

f.     Finding a way to bless and serve others