“Which way should I go?”


ICEBREAKER: Name an actor or actress that has a very unusual voice, try to imitate their voice and then try to describe it.


OUTLINE:  7 Pillars of Wisdom

  1. Pure: Will my choice line up with God’s Word?
  2. Peaceable: Will my choice create unneeded conflict?
  3. Gentle, Considerate: Does my choice exemplify a spirit of kindness?
  4. Submissive, Willing to Obey: Will I obey God’s choice even if I do not agree?
  5. Full of Mercy & Good Fruit (Blessings): Will my choice bear good fruit?
  6. Impartial, Unwavering:  Will my choice benefit everybody or does it take advantage of someone else?
  7. Without Hypocrisy, Sincere: Will I have to hide this choice from someone that I love?


TEXT:  Pro 16:9, Pro 9:1, James 3:17


Study Group Questions:

  1. God’s ways (habits) are directly connected to making wise choices. Name an unwise choice that people often make?
    1. They choose to procrastinate
    2. They choose to eat Twinkies instead of carrots
    3. ___________________________________________


  1. The voice of God is the voice of wisdom.  It is impossible to make wise choices without hearing God’s voice.  Describe an important decision in life that one should never make without God’s guidance.


  1. Depending on the level of concentration and toxicity, just one drop of poison in a perfectly clean glass of iced cold refreshing drinking water could spoil the whole glass.  Can you think of a movie or a song or a TV show that was great except for one scene or line? Give us your example.


  1. If you as a group were to make a list of things that using God’s wisdom would determine whether or not a movie, song or TV show was good for you, what would be on your list?


  1. Most people don’t enjoy confrontation but we often get pretty adamant about our opinions.  The second principle of wisdom is to be peaceable, or in other words to avoid conflict when you can.  What is the last thing that you got into an argument over and later wondered if it was worth it?


  1. Name the 3 best choices that you have made in your life?