“Make It A Habit!”


ICEBREAKER:  Name one thing your parent or guardian said or did that you swore would never become a habit in your life.


OUTLINE:  7 Steps To Better Habits

1.    Start with a commitment to God

2.    Separate yourself from sin

3.    Set a new goal

4.    Stand on the truth

5.    Substitute God’s thoughts for yours

6.    Surrender your will to God

7.    Stay on track


TEXT:  Proverbs 16:1-33



1.    Identify some of the excuses people use to justify some of the bad habits in their life.

a.    That’s just how I was raised

b.   I’m Italian

c.    I just too old to change

d.   I was born this way

e.    They don’t have medicine for this problem

f.     It’s okay I’m on vacation

g.    ____________________________________________


2.    Name a bad habit that people have that drives you crazy.

a.    Overeating

b.   Cussing

c.    Chewing with your mouth open

d.   Gossiping

e.    Always being late

f.     ___________________________________________


3.    Look up Proverbs 16 and find every verse that has the word “way” in it and replace it with the word “habit(s).”  Which verse speaks to you?  Explain.


4.    What has been one of the hardest habits for you to change in your life?  Stop and pray for each other in the group.


5.    Becoming a disciple of Jesus Christ means submitting to the disciplines of Jesus Christ.  If Jesus were to move into your house what would be one of the first things He would change?


6.    What goal would you like to set in your life in the next 7 days?


a.    Be more complimentary

b.   Be more compassionate

c.    Clean out my car, closet, or desk drawers

d.   Pray an extra 10 minutes per day

e.    Eat healthy and exercise

f.     Walk more & save gasoline

g.    ____________________________________________