“Let It Rest”


ICEBREAKER:  How have you dealt with your un-forgiveness and disappointment with The Cleveland Cavaliers, Browns and the Indians and The Buckeyes and for you non-sports fans for your disappointment in America’s choices for American Idol? 


DEFINITION:  Forgiveness: Aphiemi (Greek) to set free; to let go; to release; to discharge, to liberate completely.  In a secular sense it meant to cancel a debt or release someone from the obligation of a contract, a commitment, or wrong he has committed.  To forfeit any right to hold a person captive to a previous commitment or wrongdoing.  Literally to “let it go or let it rest.”


TEXT:  Matthew 11:28, Matthew 24:1-15, Luke 17:1-4



1.    In your opinion, name one thing that makes Christianity different from other religions.

a.    The Resurrection

b.   Respect for women

c.    Forgiveness is not earned, it is received by faith

d.   It is tolerant of other beliefs

e.    Love is the most important value

f.     Every member and gift of the Body of Christ is needed and valued the same

g.    If you want to lead you must serve

h.    God speaks to every member

i.      Your authority can be no greater than your submission

j.     God’s presence is manifested when there is true worship

k.    ______________________________________________

2.    How many times are you willing to forgive someone for offending you in the worst possible way?

3.    Can you think of a time when you or someone you know desperately needed forgiveness but were afraid to confess, repent and apologize?  What are some of the reasons that we keep it inside?

a.    shame

b.   fear

c.    shock

d.   _______________________                                                                                                                                   

     4. In what ways would you say un-forgiveness is like sleep deprivation?

5.  According to Matthew 24:1-15 what were some of the signs that Jesus told his disciples to watch for?  Do any of these signs sound like they could fit this generation?

6.  Matthew 24:10 identifies three stages of un-forgiveness.         What are they?       

7.     What are some of the myths about forgiveness?

8.    In general for most of your life when it comes to un-forgiveness how would you describe your self?

a.    A Schemer: Someday somehow I’ll get you back

b.   A Screamer: I’ll forgive you but first you’re going hear it

c.    A Steamer: I just clam, give you the silent treatment and withdraw forever or at least a long time

d.   A Streamer:  I just cry until I can’t cry anymore

e.    A Releaser:  I get upset at first but once its over its over

f.     _________________________________________________