“It’s Time to Grow” Part 2



ICEBREAKER:  Tell of a time when God miraculously answered your prayer.



Grow:  To increase in size, amount & degree; to progress to maturity.

Train: To nurture & guide a child according to his/her unique bent.



Last week, Pastor spoke about the importance of Growing!  One of the most important things we can do to grow is to develop a consistent prayer life.  This week our focus will be prayer.  Read the following scriptures and ask someone in the group, after each passage is read, to explain the important points it makes about prayer.

·        Matthew 6:5-6  
·        Matthew 5:44-45

·        Matthew 6:9-15

·        James 5:13-18

·        Ephesians 6:10-20



1.                What does prayer mean to you?

2.                How often do you pray?

3.                What distracts you from praying each day?

4.                Do you feel like there is a certain way to pray?

5.                Do you think God answers prayer?

6.                On a scale of 1-10, rate your prayer life.

1      2      3      4      5      6      7      8      9      10

not so good                                         awesome

7.                How many days a week do you pray or spend time alone with God?

a.    1 day

b.   3 days

c.    5 days

d.   everyday

8.                If you are not satisfied with your prayer life, what do you believe is your greatest hindrance to prayer?  Set a goal for your prayer time this week and be willing to share your success with your group.