“Christmas Baggage”


ICEBREAKER: If you were going on a 3 day trip and could only pack 3 things in addition to your underwear what 3 things would you pack?


OUTLINE: Letting Go Of Your Baggage, Do a Baggage Check

1.    Acknowledge your baggage

2.    God, help renew my mind with truth

3.    God, help restore what’s lost

4.    God, help me release my offender


TEXT:  1 Samuel !0:17-24; Luke 2



1.    Of all the things that you possess, what one thing do you value the most and what old stuff in your house do you need to get rid of most?

2.    1 Samuel 9:21 gives us a clue to how Saul felt about himself and God’s ability to use him.  What single thing about you has the enemy tried to use about you or your family to make you feel that God couldn’t use you to do great things?

3.    Saul was hiding with the baggage when it came time to be anointing king, what one thing have you said God I will do anything you ask but just don’t ask me to _________________?

4.    What would you say is or has been those most difficult emotional baggage in your life either now or in the past to get rid of?

5.    How would you like your attitude toward Christmas to change or be different this year?

6.    What one thing would you like to see restored in your life before the end of this year?