“Three Generations”


ICEBREAKER:  What has been your favorite time of life so far?

(childhood, elementary, junior high, high school, college, early marriage, first job, retirement, etc…)


TEXT:  Psalms 145:4, Hebrews 11:8-21



1.    Name a generation you think it might have been fun to have been born in or raised a family.  (Old Testament times, the earthly life of Jesus, the American Revolution, the roaring twenties)

2.    What was the most trying time in your grandparents and/or parents life?

3.    Why was Abraham considered such a man of faith?

4.    What are some of the biggest difference between your generation and the one that is coming after yours?

a.    Technology

b.   Tattoos

c.    Fashions

d.   Attitudes

e.    ___________________________

5.    If you were at Cathedral of Life Sunday what was the biggest difference in the styles of speaking of Bishop Gammill, Pastor Gammill, and Michael Gammill?

6.    Abraham built altars and dug wells.  Building altars symbolizes establishing your personal prayer life with the Lord.  Digging wells symbolizes digging out revelation and truth by spending time studying God’s Word.  Then Isaac had to do the same thing.  On a scale of 1-10 how consistent is your personal prayer and Bible reading time with the Lord?

7.    Many times in the Bible the first generation to have an encounter with the Lord would know the Lord of the Work.  The second generation would know the work of the Lord but not the Lord of the work.  Then often the third generation neither knew the Lord of the work or the work of the Lord.  Based on this pattern how important is it for our children and our grandchildren to have their own experiences with God?

8.    What kind of things can we do to show the next generation how important God and faith are in our lives?  What kinds of things do we do that communicate that God and His church is not a priority?

9.    What do you think the world most wants to see from families of faith?