“The Power To Be”


ICEBREAKER:  Tell us who in your family named you.  Do you like your name and do you have any nick names?  If you would have named yourself what name do you think you would have picked?


OUTLINE: A Human Being           Versus               A Human Doing

      1. They know who they are           1. They know who others

                                                                want them to be

      2. They rest in the promises          2. They wrestle with the


      3. Motivated by love                      3. Motivated by neediness

      4. Focus on 1 thing                        4  Focus on everything

      5. Empowered to say “no”             5. Afraid to say “no”

      6. Live outside the box                  6. Confined to the box


TEXT:  John 1:12, Acts 1:8, 2 Timothy 3:1-5



  1. What do you think is the greatest problem facing our country today?
    1. Drug Addiction
    2. The Economy (Loss of jobs)
    3. The War
    4. Terrorism
    5. The Breakdown of Marriage and Family
    6. The Health Care Industry
    7. The Disregard for Life (euthanasia, abortion, harvesting human embryos for scientific research, ect…)
    8. Lack of ethics and Personal Integrity ( In all fields: Business, Politics, Entertainment, Faith, Media, etc…)
    9. _________________________________________________
  2. Everybody wants change for the better so what one thing would you be willing to change about yourself to get the ball rolling?
  3. John 1:12 says that God has given us the power to become the sons of God. What does it mean “to be” one of God’s children?
    1. You’re not going to Hell
    2. You dress a little funny
    3. You stop cussing, drinking, chewing, gossiping etc…
    4. You stop talking to people that don’t believe like you
    5. You go to church everyday & twice on Sundays
    6. You act like your Heavenly Father
    7. ________________________________________________
  4. What is the biggest excuse people use for not going to church and how can we change those perceptions?
    1. Its boring
    2. Its not relevant
    3. Its too long
    4. They’re all hypocrites
    5. I’m not ready
    6. I have to work
    7. I’m too tired
    8. I don’t believe that stuff
    9. They just want all my money
    10. I don’t fit in
    11. I tried it already
    12. Those people don’t care about me
    13. They just want me to work in the nursery
    14. _________________________________________________
  5. Acts 1:8 says that God will give his people the power to be his witnesses.  What would you say is the difference between being a witness and witnessing for Christ?
  6. It is a proven fact that North America is the only continent that Christianity is not growing.  What do you think it will take to bring America to her knees?
  7. In 2 Timothy 3:1-5, the Apostle Paul lists a number of traits that would exemplify the last days generation.  Read through the list and identify two or three that really disturb you?
  8. How do your co-workers, friends and family know that you are a Christian? Be specific if you can.
    1. I make mistakes but I admit when I’m wrong
    2. They see me reading my Bible and praying
    3. They knew me before and they have seen the difference
    4. I tell them about Christ when I can
    5. _________________________________________________