“Life Is But A Dream”


ICEBREAKER: Describe the most realistic and/or strangest dream that you have ever had? Do you ever dream in black and white?  Take a vote on the weirdest dream in the group.


OUTLINE: Dreams…

1.     Have the ability to reveal our callings or ministry gifts

2.     Have the ability to bring correction, protection or direction?

3.     Can be prophetic revealing the future

4.     May provoke or stir up a spirit of intercession

5.     Sometimes expose the internal issues of our hearts


TEXT:  Joel 2:28-29; Matthew 1:20, 2:13; Acts 16:6-10;       Psalm 126:1



  1. As a group, name as many people in the Bible as you can who received dreams from God.
  2. In Acts 16:6-10 how many times did the Holy Spirit stop them from going to certain towns to minister & where did He send them?
  3. How do you know if a dream is from God? Philippians 4:8

List the 8 characteristics that describe how God wants us to think?

1.     ____________________

2.     ____________________

3.     ____________________

4.     ____________________

5.     ____________________

6.     ____________________

7.     ____________________

8.     ____________________

  1. What kind of things can we learn about ourselves from our dreams?
    1. Subconscious frustrations
    2. Just how nutty we really are! Ha
    3. Who we might be unconsciously angry at
    4. _________________________________________________
  2. Do you often, sometimes, rarely or never remember your dreams?
  3. Why might God speak to us through dreams
    1. To confuse people who are blonde
    2. Sometimes because we have not spent enough time in His Word
    3. To confirm something He has already told us
    4. _________________________________________________
  4. Have you ever woken up from a dream and been mad at someone for something you dreamt about even though you knew it was only a dream?  Explain.
  5. If anyone in the group has reoccurring nightmares please stop and pray for the peace of God in their lives.  ( You don’t have to share the nightmares if you don’t want to.
  6. What do you think God’s dream is for your life? To what country or people group would you have to hear from God to even consider going and why?