“Spirit of Elijah”


ICEBREAKER: Elijah of the Bible outran a chariot.  What is the longest distance that you have ever ran, walked, bicycled or swam?


OUTLINE: Characteristics of the Spirit of Elijah

1.     It brings revival or provokes change

2.     It is a fathering spirit

3.     It prepares the way for what is coming

               Jezebel’s Manipulation Tactics

1.       False Tears

2.       Outbursts with intermittent kindness

3.       Guilt

4.       Withholding Money

5.       Sympathy Solicitation

6.       Only Sharing Selective Information

7.       Threats

8.       Counterfeit Revelation


TEXT:  Malachi 4:4-6, I Kings19:1,2,19-21


  1. Queen Jezebel was a professional at manipulation.  When you were younger what was your favorite tactic for getting your way? (Throwing a fit, Crying, The silent treatment, Using flattery, Pouting, Using Intimidation etc…)
  2. Malachi 4:4-6 says that God is going to send the prophet Elijah and he will turn the heart of the fathers toward the children.

How has not having strong fathers in the lives of many of the children of America effected our country? Pick one below or state your own opinion.

    1. Poor self image
    2. Poor work ethic
    3. A lack of respect for authority
    4. No sense of vision or direction
    5. Major anger issues
    6. A lack of manners and/or knowledge of right or wrong
    7. _______________________________________________
  1. What words would you use to describe someone that is a strong father?
    1. Prudent
    2. Persistent
    3. Protective
    4. Provider
    5. Planner
    6. ________________________________________________
  2. If the hearts of the father’s are going to be turned toward their children what are some of the things that fathers’ hearts are wrongly focused on right now?
    1. Their own pain or disappointments
    2. Addictions
    3. Desires
    4. Frustrations
    5. ________________________________________________
  3. Of the eight manipulation tactics listed in the outline which one irritates you the most?
  4. I believe everyone is called to mentor or influence someone.  What one thing do you think God most wants you to change or work on to be a better father figure or mentor to others?