“The Power of Love”


ICEBREAKER:  Gary Chapman tells us that there are predominately five love languages: 1)Acts of Service, 2)Meaningful Gifts, 3)Quality Time, 4 Affectionate Touch, 5)Words of Affirmation.  We all enjoy and employ each of these languages to express our love but usually everyone has at least one language that emerges as our most common style.  Which language do you employ most often to express your love to others and which do you most desire?


OUTLINE: 5 Ways To Show Love To Others

  1. By sticking with someone through tough times
  2. By adjusting to others
  3. By reaching beyond your comfort zones
  4. By offering encouraging words to others
  5. By putting others needs above your needs


TEXT:  Mark 12:30, Ruth 1:16-17



  1. Ruth told her mother-in-law Naomi that wherever you go, I will go.  In other words I am sticking with you.  If you were going through a tough time besides the church office tell us who would you call first & why?
  2. As a group come up with at least 7 words or more that describe the word “love.” I Corinthians 13:4-8 has a good list.










     3. Ruth said your people will be my people. (Your culture, your      style, your way of doing things.)  What is the biggest pet peeve that you have had to adjust to in others?

        a. tardiness

        b. moodiness

        c. rudeness

        d. busyness

        e. stupid-“ness”

        c. __________________________________________________

   4. Ruth said I will die where you die.  That was a major commitment.  What has loving God cost you or required you to give up?

       a. popularity

       b. acceptance

       c. finances (Because of not cheating)

       d. ___________________________________________________

   5. If you were to say something positive to the person that has hurt you the most in your life what would it be?

       a. I forgive you ( even though you’re still a goof.) Just kidding!

       b. God still has a plan for you

       c. ____________________________________________________

   6. Can you ever remember a time when your parents, family, or friends put your needs before their own? Explain.

   7.  Has there ever been a time that God asked you to give something away that you really wanted to keep?  What was it?

  8.  God is love and loves us unconditionally.  What is the hardest thing about loving others the way God does?