“Give Me A Break”


ICEBREAKER: Have you ever broken a bone?  Tell us about it?


TEXT: Psalm 31, Psalm 147:3



  1. Psalm 31:5, tells us the first step in the process of total surrender and brokenness to God.  What is that first step and what do you most need to commit to God?
    1. My limitations
    2. My past disappointments
    3. My expectations
    4. My relationships
    5. My frustrations
    6. My fears
    7. ________________________________________________
  2. In this passage God delivers his people in three different methods. Look at Psalm 31:1, 2, & 4.  In verse one He makes us so slick by His anointing the enemy cannot get a strong hold on us.  In verse 2, God snatches us so quickly from the enemy’s hand that even enemy doesn’t know we have been delivered. And in verse 4 with a still small voice He leads us out of the snare of the enemy. Which method of deliverance do you most prefer and why?
  3. In Psalm 31:6 David says he has hated those that regard lying vanities but he trusts in the Lord.  Do you find anything hypocritical about that statement?  What irritates you most about people around you?
    1. Lazy people                                i. Ungrateful People
    2. Flaky people                               j. _________________
    3. Insensitive people
    4. Rude people
    5. Selfish people
    6. Judgmental people
    7. Negative people
    8. Deceptive people
  4. One of the Hebrew definitions for the word “broken” means to be lost or to wander off, especially like a sheep running off into the wilderness like a wild beast.  Have you ever just felt lost?  What is the worst part of that feeling?
    1. The loneliness of alienation
    2. The pride that even limits God from helping us
    3. The hopelessness of despair
    4. The shame of wrong choices
    5. The fear of an uncertain future
    6. _________________________________________________
  5. Name a biblical character that had to be broken before God could use them and why?
  6. Verse 12 says “I am like a broken vessel.”  In what area of your life have you experienced the most brokenness?
    1. Relationally
    2. Vocationally
    3. Spiritually
    4. Physically
    5. Emotionally
    6. Financially
    7. _________________________________________________
  7. Right now how would you describe yourself?
    1. Financially broke, but spiritually rich
    2. In a constant state of breakdown and repair
    3. Broke, busted and disgusted
    4. Broken but on the potters wheel
    5. Totally renovated and refurbished
    6. _________________________________________________