“The Blame Game”


ICEBREAKER: “Whether Forecast”

Using weather terminology, how would you describe your week so far? Cloudy, Partly Sunny, Stormy, It’s just Hale, Foggy, etc.


OUTLINE: How to win the blame game!

1.        Stop blaming God.

2.        Repent from prideful for attitudes.

3.        Pray for those who oppose you.


TEXT:  Job 1:1-22, James 5:11



1.        According to Job 1:3, what distinguished Job from everyone else?

2.        Job 3:25 says that the thing that Job greatly feared came upon him.  In Job 1:5, there is a clue to what his great fear might have been.  What is it?

3.        Where is Satan, where has he been, and what does he want from God, in Job 1:6-8?

4.        What happens to Job after this?

5.        How do you deal with suffering and who in your life have you seen suffer the most?

6.        Have you ever been tempted to blame God when you see people who are extremely suffering?  Why do think God allows us to go through some of the things we go through?

7.        Adam blamed eve.  Eve blamed the serpent.  Cain blamed Able.  Who have you been most tempted to blame for your choices, consequences, or life conditions?

8.        What are some of the reasons that we blame others?

9.        Have you ever been falsely accused? Explain & tell us how it made you feel?

10 According to Job 42:10, what was the catalyst for change             

         in Job’s life?  Were these good friends?  For whom is God

         asking you to pray?