TOPIC: “Against The Rival ”



Who was your greatest school rival when you were growing up, and what was it like to go to a sporting event against that team? What team in sports do you hate the most and why?


TEXT:    Joshua 1:5 ,11, 14; Acts 19:11-20




Three Strategic Theaters of Opposition:


1.      Ground Level

2.       Occult level

3.       Strategic Level


Three Opponents:


1.       Flesh

2.       World

3.       Satan




1.        How important is it to know your rival's strengths and weaknesses? What do you think is satan's greatest strength and his greatest weakness?


2.        In Joshua 1:5, God told Joshua that no enemy would be able to stand before him. What is the greatest enemy that is trying to threaten you, your family, or even your country?


3.        In Joshua 1:11,14, how does Joshua tell the officers to prepare for battle? In verse 14, he says to come armed. How do we arm ourselves for our daily conflicts, and what do we arm ourselves with?


4.       Look at the following list and discuss which threat poses the greatest concern for you.

a.     Terrorism

b.     Natural disasters

c.     Economy, fuel prices

d.    Sicknesses, pandemics

e.    Rejection

f.     Health Insurance

g.     Retirement

h.     ______________________________________________


5.        Acts 19 illustrates several levels of spiritual warfare in the city of Ephesus. Have you ever gone into an area or workplace in your city and felt a new level of spiritual oppression? Identify and pray for those places right now.