“Let The Fountain Flow”


ICEBREAKER: “Strange happenings!”

What is your most embarrassing or awkward moment?


TEXT:  John 4:3-30



1.        According to John 4:3, Jesus felt the need to go to Samaria. Why do you think this whole situation might have been awkward?

a.     They were from different races

b.     They were from different religions

c.     The woman forgot to put on her make-up

d.     They were dealing with the whole gender thing

e.     They were possibly from different socio-economic levels

f.      They did not know each other and had nothing in common

g.     _____________________________________________

2.        Have you ever felt led to reach out to someone that you knew might not be open to you?  How did it feel?

3.        In verse 12 the woman asked Jesus if He was greater than Jacob who dug the well.  Her problem was that she had to come to that well every day for survival.  What is the biggest problem in your life that you are asking God if He is greater than?

4.        In verses 16-19 Jesus confronted the root of her pain.  What did Jesus ask her and what was her conclusion?

5.        If Jesus were to ask you a question what would it be?

6.        Now lets back up a few verses.  In verse 14 Jesus says “If you drink the water I give you a fountain of living water will spring up on the inside of you.  What three benefits to others does this fountain produce?(Look up Prov 10:21, 12:6, 12:18)

7.        What is the difference between wisdom and revelation?

8.        In what areas of your life do you wisdom and in what areas of your life do you need revelation?