Whose Got My Inheritance?”



Advice Advice

Divide the group equally. Give each one a piece of paper (at least A5 size). Have one Group write down any 3 problems, any advice needed, how to...,need to know something. eg. "How do I stop my dog from chewing my shoes." "How do I grow spiritually" or "I have a problem with... (in the following area (weight etc....") They should not discuss it with any one. Solutions to the Problems: Have the other group write down solutions to any problems, give advice or explain how to.... (they should not discuss it either) eg: "Fast three days a week" " Go on a diet" "Put your trust in God, He will come through for you" Once everyone has completed: Partner them up. All one member from the first group: (Problems) read their first Problem or advise needed: then let their partner in the Solutions group read his first solution: It should go something like this: "How do I stop my dog from chewing my shoes." Solution: "Put your trust in God, He will come through for you" Let each one then continue: the aim of the ice-breaker is to understand that man (many times)will never have the rgiht answer concerning you, but we should consult God - who has our lives, plans and solutions in his hand


TEXT:   Exodus 23:30, Ephesians 1, I Peter 1:3-5



1.       If you could stay connected to your present family but you could also be adopted by any family, who would you pick and why? (You don’t have to know them, famous or familiar)

2.       According to Exodus 23:30, little by little God wants to give His people increase and inheritance.  In what area or areas would you like to experience increase?

a.       Wealth

b.       Wisdom

c.        Vacations

d.       Quality personal time

e.       Relationships

f.         Better health & physical fitness

g.       Personal success

h.       Education

i.         Life skills

j.         _____________________________

3.       Why do you think God wants to increase His people little by little?

a.       God enjoys watching us struggle.  NOT!

b.       God only has so much to spread around.  NOT!

c.        God knows just how much we are capable of handling?

4.       Have you ever gotten mad at God for not giving you what you

         asked for and later thanked Him?  Explain.

5.       Name one promise that God gives us in Ephesians 1 and put it

in the first person.  For example: I have grace from God our Father.

6.       What are four attributes of our inheritance mentioned in

I Peter 1:3,4 NIV? Why are these attributes important?

    7.  What is the biggest giant that is living in your inheritance?

         a.  Fear

         b.  Anger

         c.  Self pity

         d.  Ego

         e.  Laziness

         f.  Deception

         g.  Guilt

         h.  Grief

         i.   Frustration

         j.  Unforgiveness

         k.  Fatigue

         l.  ______________________

    8.  God’s will and testament for you is written in the Bible,  what

         do you think His will is for your life?

9.       What will the inheritance you leave for those who follow you

say about your values and the life that you lived?