“The Wonderful Name of Jesus”


ICEBREAKER:  What is your favorite Christmas television program?

Rudolph, Frosty, It’s a Wonderful Life, Miracle on 38th Street, The Grinch, Football Bowl games, Macy’s Parade…


OUTLINE:  The Wonderful Name Of Jesus is…

1.    A Simple Name

2.    A Saving Name

3.    A Satisfying Name

4.    A Strengthening Name

5.    A Shamed Name

6.    A Supreme Name

7.    A Sweet Name


TEXT: Isaiah 9:6, Luke 1:26-30


Study Group Questions:

1.      Read the Christmas Story in Luke 2:1-16 and explain why you think Jesus had to come to earth in this way?

2.      When you were growing up Christmas was usually a…

a.    Sad Time

b.   Busy Time

c.    Happy Time

d.   Explosive Time

e.    Confusing Time

f.     Satisfying Time

g.    Disappointing Time

h.    _________________________________________________

i.  Depressing Time

3.      What makes Christmas “Christmas” for you?

a.    Snow

b.   A Day off work

c.    Presents

d.   Family

e.    Opportunities to bless others

f.     Christmas carols

4.      What is your favorite food on Christmas?

a.    Candy Canes

b.   Egg Nog

c.    Turkey

d.   Christmas Cookies

e.    _______________________________________________


5.      What is the weirdest gift you ever got at Christmas?


6.      If Jesus could have one gift from you this year what do you think He would ask you for?


7.      Isaiah 9:6 says that a son would be given unto us and his name would be called by what five titles and what do these titles mean to you?

a.    _________________________________________

b.   _________________________________________

c.    _________________________________________

d.   _________________________________________

e.    _________________________________________


8.      Describe a time or traumatic moment when you needed to call on the name of Jesus.