“Destiny Deposited”


ICEBREAKER:  If you had the time, the know-how and the land what would be your favorite thing to plant (flower, tree, fruit and/or vegetable) and why?



Destiny Deposited, Destiny Discovered, Destiny Developed, Destiny Delivered, Destiny Dedicated, Destiny Deployed


                 DREAM SEED PRINCIPLES

1.        God’s destiny dream seed is bigger than your internal issues.

2.        God’s destiny dream seed is bigger that your external challenges

3.        God’s destiny dream seed has the DNA of a satisfied life no matter what stage you are in or what opposition you face.


TEXT:  Gen 37:1-11, Gen 39:1, I Cor 2:9,10



1.        According to Gen 37:2 what initially got Joseph in trouble with his brothers?

2.        Did you ever have a sibling, schoolmate or co-worker tattle on you?  Explain, if you’re brave enough.  How did it make you feel and how did your relationship that person change?

3.        What happened to Joseph next in Gen 37:5 and how did it make things even worse? What was the gist of Joseph’s dream?

4.        With the binoculars of the Holy Spirit, Joseph sees something in his distant future.  Has God ever shown you something that didn’t happen or hasn’t happened for a very long time? Explain.  What do you think is more important the process that it takes to get your destiny or the final destination itself?

5.        God deposited a dream seed in Joseph of greatness to save his family later in a time of famine.  What will it take for you to believe that God has deposited in you a seed of greatness?

6.        In what ways does God want use what He has planted in you to bless other?

a.       To inspire others with your radiant smile and breathtaking, knockdown gorgeous good looks

b.       By using your incredible intelligence and ingenuity to invent the next earthshaking state of the art technology

c.        By simply becoming a vessel, tool, instrument or weapon in the hands of the Lord to accomplish His purposes

7.        Before Joseph reached his destination of becoming 2nd in

command under pharaoh in Egypt he went through many tests

to prepare him for the task yet he was always content.

How would you say you are doing while being processed by God for your destiny.

a.        Just peachy. NOT!

b.        Still working on trusting God with what I can’t understand.  God you got some “splainin” to do.

c.        I’m there baby! I’m content in most if not all areas of my life

8.        If you could ask God to plant one quality in you what would it

Be and why?  Patience, Consistency, Faith, Motivation, joy, Wisdom, Punctuality, Focus…