“Destiny Developed”


ICEBREAKER:  When you were a kid what did you say you wanted to be when you grew up?  Did that change and if so why?


OUTLINE:  Principles of the Pit

1.       The pit builds character

2.       The pit is your rescue

3.       The pit is only a pit stop

4.       There’s a seed in the pit


TEXT:  Psalm 139:13-17, Genesis 37:19-24



  1. In Genesis 37:19 & 20 what do Joseph’s brothers say when they see him coming?  Do you think they were serious at first?
  2. How does one get to the place that one wants to literally kill his own flesh and blood?  Have you ever known anyone personally that reached that level of hatred?
  3. What do you believe that God was doing while Joseph was in the pit?

a.       Laughing hysterically

b.       Hoping somehow that Joseph would get a miracle

c.       Taking a long needed vacation

d.       Using the pit to develop Joseph’s character for his future

  1. What do you think Joseph was thinking while he was in the pit?

a.       My brothers from another mother really are jerks

b.       When my dad finds out these guys are really gonna be sorry

c.       Why did God show me this dream if this where my life is going to end?

d.       ________________________________________________

  1. What positive thing do you think that Joseph and we could possibly have learned from the pit experience?

a.       Things may not be fair but Father God is faithful

b.       Maybe I could dig my way out of here

c.       When I get out of here things are going to be different?

d.       _______________________________________________

  1. Where in the pit experience do you feel like you are today?

a.       Falling but haven’t hit bottom yet

b.       Calling but nobody seems to be listening

c.       Climbing but haven’t reached the top

d.       Trusting till my breakthrough comes

e.       Praising! Thank God that ones over!

  1. If it is true that God allows us to fall into the pit so He can subtract and add to our life, what is God wanting to subtract and add in your life?  (For example in Joseph’s life God may have been subtracting pride and adding patience and humility.)

a.       fear and faith

b.       hate and love

c.       selfishness and compassion

d.       ________________________________________________