“Destiny Discovered”


ICEBREAKER:  Name one or two of the greatest discoveries in the last 100 or so years?  After everyone has taken a turn make a case for which of these discoveries is the most significant.



1.       Discover God’s love in order to appreciate God’s destiny.

2.       Discover your gifts in order to appropriate God’s destiny.

3.       Discover your enemies’ strategy in order to accelerate God’s destiny.

             3 Strategies of the Enemy to steal your coat

1.  To strip you through betrayal.

2.  To disrobe you through discouragement.

3.  To turn your coat against you through deception.


Text:  Gen 37:3, 5, 23-25, 31-34



1.        In Genesis 37:5 Joseph received a dream from God.  What happens in Genesis 37:3 and why do you think this is significant before he receives a dream from God?

2.        Why do you think God loves us and how do we know that he does and for that matter how do you know that anyone does?

3.        The God kind of love, loves whether that love is returned or not.  What is the hardest kind of person for you to love like God loves?

a.     The Backstabber

b.     The User

c.     The Fallen that should know better

d.     The Parasite that is always draining but never giving back

e.     The Deceiver

f.      The Arrogant

g.     The Pessimist

h.     The Abuser

i.       _________________________________________________

4.        Describe the gifts that God has given you?  Are you happy with God’s choices for you?  If it were up to you what gifts, talents or abilities would you have chosen for yourself?

5.        Genesis 37:23 says that Joseph’s brothers threw him in a pit.

Have you ever felt like your life or situation was the pits?  How do you deal with situations that you have no control over?

a.     Scream till you have no more strength or voice

b.     Roll over and play dead

c.     Wait it out with patience and hope

d.     Look for a ladder and see what you can learn

6.        Like he did to Joseph the enemy wants to steal your coat of destiny once you discover what it is.  Satan really wants to destroy or at least delay your destiny. Right now where are you on the road to your destiny?

a.     I lost the map

b.     At a stand still due to reconstruction

c.     Temporarily detoured but still moving

d.     On track and full speed ahead