“The Con Game”


ICEBREAKER1:  “Homework Tales”

What is the most creative lie you have heard a kid use for not doing their homework?


ICEBREAKER2:  Finish the phrase if you can!

1.     Liar Liar ______________________________________________________

2.     If his lips are moving then________________________________________

3.     You can’t trust a word __________________________________________

4.     The only time he’s not lying is____________________________________

5.     Oh what a tangled web we weave_________________________________

6.     If you lie you___________________________________________________

7.     You lie like a___________________________________________________


TEXT:  Genesis 3:1-7, 1 Corinthians 10:12, 13



1.     Name something that women often lie about and then name something that men often lie about.

2.     Name a famous liar. (Try not to be political! Ha!)

3.     How do you know that someone is lying to you?

4.     How do people reach the level of deception that they actually believe their own lies?

5.     What’s up with people that lie about stuff that doesn’t even matter?

6.     See who can look through Proverbs and be the first to find any verse that deals with lying or deception.

7.     What’s your favorite response that people use when they have been caught lying?

a.     I’m not lying

b.     You’re so mean!

c.     How could you accuse me?

d.     That’s not what I meant.

e.     I forgot.

f.      I’m serious it really happened.

g.     It’s not like you’ve never lied!

h.     ___________________________________________________

8.     What are some of the lies of the devil about temptation that

      1 Corinthians 10:12 &13 discredit?

9.     What’s the difference between telling a lie and living a lie?

10. What is the worst lie the devil has ever told you?

(Your life doesn’t matter, You will never be good enough, God is done with you, There’s no hope for you, Nobody cares, This is all there is,

Nobody will ever love you, You deserve all this pain, Everything wrong is your fault, It works for everybody else but not for you, There is no God, Everything you touch falls apart, It’s been too good something bad is about to happen, Everybody will eventually leave you)


Confess and renounce the lies and be free!   





Answers 1.  pants on fire

2.     he’s lying

3.     word he says

4.     when he’s sleeping

5.     when first we practice to deceive

6.     fry

7.     dog or a rug