“The Lame Game”


ICEBREAKER:  What is the worst fall you have ever taken or seen

and why is it so funny when people fall?


OUTLINE:  Lame Excuses

  1. I wish I could
  2. I would but…
  3. You don’t understand my situation
  4. I can’t


TEXT:  John 5:1-14, 2 Peter 1:1-10



1.        What question did Jesus ask the man in the story and what was his response?

2.        What was Jesus really asking him?

a.        Do you think you’re gonna make it in the pool this time?

b.       What’s gonna stop you from succeeding this year?

c.        Do you believe healing is possible for you right now?

3.        One of the reasons we fall in life is when we lose our

balance and fall.  In which of the following areas do you

struggle the most for balance and/or healing?

a.     Faith

b.     Family

c.     Fitness

d.     Finances

e.     Friends

f.      Fun

4.        What question do you think Jesus would ask you if He

physically ran into you?

a.        When do you think things are going to change for you?

b.       What is your greatest desire?

c.        _______________________________________

5.  What is your favorite board game and why?