RealLife Study Group

Prepared for use during the week of May 28th-June 3rd, 2006.

Topic: “Keeping the Dream Alive”

Ice Breaker:  “What did you want to be?”

It has always been an exciting part of childhood to dream and tell what you want to be when you grow up.  For this week’s ice breaker, ask each participant the following question: “When you were young, what did you say you wanted to be when you grew up?”  After each person shares, go back around the circle and ask, did you change your mind? Did you reach your dream?  Why or why not?

Key Text:  Romans 1:17; Habakkuk 2:4

Definitions:  Faith (the Hebrew word from Habakkuk 2:4 “'emunah”) means steadfast.  Steadfast is defined by Webster as 1 a : firmly fixed in place : IMMOVABLE b : not subject to change 2 : firm in belief, determination, or adherence : LOYAL   FAITHFUL.  Dr. Oruma stated that this “faith” is a continuous thing

Background References: 1 Samuel 16 & 30 (David); Genesis 37, 39-45 (Joseph in Egypt); Esther 2:5-9 (Esther)

Study Group Discussion Questions:

1.     Read Habakkuk 1:1-4.  Why was he upset?  (The wicked were prospering.)

2.     In Habakkuk 2:4, the Lord answers Habakkuk and says, “The righteous shall live by faith.”  How is that relevant to Habakkuk’s concern?

3.     In 1 Samuel 30, we read the story of David at Ziklag,  David was anointed king in 1 Samuel 16, but throughout the next years of his life we read that he was living in caves instead of palaces, running for his life instead of reigning. 

a.     Has God giving you a promise or a dream that has come to pass?  Share it with the group.

b.     For those who answered yes to the first question, ask, “Do you remember what it was like, while you waited for it to come to pass?”  i.e.  Did the enemy try to discourage you?  Did it seem like it would never happen?  Etc. What did you do to hold onto your dream?

4.     In 1 Samuel 30:6, we find that in the midst of incredible and tragic circumstances, David strengthened and encouraged himself in the Lord.  Dr. Oruma, stated that David probably reminded himself “One day this head will wear a crown.”  Share a time of difficulty that you’ve endured.  What verse, word of encouragement, etc. helped you get through it.

5.     David wasn’t anointed for the cave, He was anointed for the throne.  David wasn’t anointed to run, he was anointed to reign.  What did God promise you and anoint you for?

6.     When you are in the valley, it is easy to forget your dreams and hopes.  Joseph wasn’t in a valley but he was in a pit. But later, because he was steadfast, he became second in command of all Egypt.   Esther was an orphan but through steadfastness became a queen.  What does it mean to you, to be steadfast?

7.     Is there a dream you have yet to accomplish that you need to revive?  Why did you give up on it?  What can you do to revive it?